Model Yacht Sailing

Hedgecourt Lake is a near perfect location for Model Yacht sailing and Crawley Mariners now has its own Model Yacht Group. We have a nucleus of existing members who currently use a WhatsApp Group to meet up together and race Dragon Force 65 model yachts. We are affiliated to the Model Yacht Association and the DF Class Association.

While our existing Group was drawn from existing dinghy sailing members we now have a new class of Model Yacht Only membership to appeal to model yacht enthusiasts who do not wish to sail or race dinghies. We are hoping to attract new members and to expand our Model Yacht Group. If you live locally and are interested why not come and join us. You will be most welcome whatever class of model yacht you sail. Junior Members are also welcome. Don't have a boat?...don't worry! The Club also has it’s own classic Marblehead yacht which members can sail. We also have a rowing tender for rescuing wayward models and our own buoys for course setting.

Why the Dragon Force 65?

The Dragon Force 65, the smaller of the DF one design yachts is our preferred class at the moment though members with other classes are equally welcome. We chose the DF-65 because it is the least expensive and it comes semi-assembled with our without radio gear as you choose. It has an active class association and it is sailed at numerous clubs locally, nationally and globally. Importantly parts and spares are readily available. While there are a number of different rig options at the present time we are just using to the standard A rig as supplied by the manufacturer. Some members have older RG-65s. If you want to know more about these models just have a look online. You will find many videos on You-Tube in particular.

We plan to establish a Combined 65 racing series in 2025. We have yet to finalise the format or indeed the preferred days and times. We would welcome your suggestions. We need to fit in around the Clubs existing sailing programme and your busy lives but we don't need a lot of space or resources.

If you fancy some inexpensive fun get in touch.

