Junior Saturday Clubs
Junior Saturday Club Dates 2025
15 March
12 April
10 May
7 June
12 July
9 August
6 September
11 October
8 November
Please read the section on Saturday Club Etiquette further down this page.
Booking online
Registration is mandatory, using the online booking link above NO LATER than the Tuesday prior to a Saturday Club, and earlier if possible. This enables us to organise the activities, boats and sufficient powerboat cover. Please take care to fill in the form in accurately.
Saturday Club would not be possible without the help of parents and guardians, however helpers must be members in their own right or as part of a family group or temporary members.
If the session you wish to book is full you can register on the 'Waiting List' event, if someone drops out then we may be able to offer you a place,
UNABLE TO ATTEND: please email the Contact listed on the WebCollect 'Junior Saturday Club' event page - as soon as possible. prior to the Saturday Club, or phone the club house if a problem arises on the day.
What is Junior Saturday Club?
Junior Saturday Clubs are informal sailing sessions for junior and youth members from 6 years of age. It is about having fun in boats and learning skills in a safe and controlled environment. Although not a formal course, instruction is given and beginners are welcome.
The club has 8 Oppies; 10 Toppers; 4 RS Fevas and 4 Lasers for use during Saturday Clubs, this is not sufficient to meet demand so if you have your own Topper or Feva please use it to ensure that everyone gets a sail. More information on the club boats can be found here.
For those aged 6 to 10 we use Oppies, at 10 we move into Toppers. As children grow in experience they may progress to using the RS Fevas, Laser 4.7 and Radials.
Any child under 10 years old attending a Club event, including Junior events must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or an adult nominated by them, who will be responsible for the safety and welfare of the child throughout the whole time the child is on Club premises. Our session guide below will help you decide on the correct session based on a child's age and ability. Sessions may vary depending on weather conditions and the number and experience of those booked on.
What goes on?
At the start of each session there is a general briefing for all children and parents. Children should be changed into their sailing clothes at this time. Please be punctual and do not use this as an excuse to arrive ten minutes late! There may well be useful information for parents regarding future events. After the general briefing children will join their instructors and rig their boats.
In the mornings there are sessions in Oppies, Toppers and Race Coaching, see below.
There is a Fun Race at 12:30, which all children are encouraged to join.
In the afternoons there are sessions in Oppies, Toppers and Fevas, see below.
All Groups
We realise that parents have many constraints on their time, and it is not our intention to exclude anyone due to timing difficulties. So if your child is unable to come to the session relative to their ability due to other commitments, please contact us and we will try to fit them in somewhere and somehow.
There will be a short Fun race, about 20 mins, at 12:30, this is not mandatory but we encourage everyone to join in, we love to have some Oppies as well as the Toppers and Fevas. Let the instructors know if you want to join in. There will be a briefing at 12:00, which sailors should attend, at which point they should be changed and boats rigged ready to go on the water immediately after the briefing.
Oppies - for Beginners & Improvers (6 to 10 years)
- OPPIES AM - 09:00 to 11:45 (this group get the boats out). This is aimed at Beginners, i.e. for those just starting or those starting their second year. Parents are asked to help get boats ready, please ask the instructor how you can help.
- OPPIES PM – 13:30 to 16:30 (this group put the boats away). This session is for all comers, coming off the water no later than 16:00, derig and cleared away by 16:30. Parents are asked to help clear away, please ask the instructor how you can help.
There will be a refreshment break mid-session.
Toppers (aged 10 and over) - Which session is for you?
- Toppers AM: Beginners and Mixed Ability - 09:00 to 11:45. This session is aimed at beginners and those with some experience but who have not yet achieved RYA Stage 2. Boats come off the water by 11:30, participants are expected to attend a debrief and if asked, derig and help stow club boats - this will depend on whether the boats are required for the afternoon session. Parents are welcome to help with preparation, please ask the instructor to show you what to do.
- Toppers PM: Advanced Toppers and Mixed Ability - 13:30 to 16:30. This session is aimed at those who have achieved RYA Stage 2. Boats come off the water by 16:00, participants are expected to attend a debrief and derig and help stow their boats. Parents are welcome to help with clearing away, please ask the instructor to show you what to do.
RS Feva / Laser 4.7
- Fevas PM: 13:30 to 16:30 – RS Fevas / Lasers : Participants should have attained at least RYA Stage 2 or equivalent. Boats come off the water by 16:00, participants are expected to attend a debrief, derig and stow their boats. Those wanting to try a sailing a Laser 4.7 must get prior agreement of the session instructor, permission will depend on a number of factors on the day.
Race Coaching
- 09:00 to 11:45 – Participants should have attained at least RYA Stage 2 or equivalent. This is ideal for those who have mastered the basics of sailing. Racing is a great way to improve skills. Boats come off the water by 11:30, participants are expected to attend a debrief, derig and stow their boats.
Saturday Club Etiquette
- Do arrive changed ready for the start of your session. Late arrivals hold up those who have made the effort to get to the lake on time.
- It may be necessary to adjust groups after the first sessions to ensure that they all get the most enjoyment and learn as much as possible in their favoured environment.
- Our first Oppie session of the season begins with PARENTS and YOUNG SAILORS learning how to prepare and rig the Oppies ready for the water session. Some of you already know and can quickly teach new parents about rigging, launching and helping on pontoons (buoyancy aid also required for parents).This enables future sessions to get onto the water far quicker.
- Parents please help the instructors after your session by seeing whether any boats need to be put away. After the final Oppie session please help the instructor put the Oppies and powerboat away. Ensure your child puts the club helmet away and the buoyancy aid they borrow back ON the rail (not on the floor!) in the container ready for the next group.
- Whatever the weather may look like – it may still feel cold (early March and April can be very, very cold). Do bring warm clothes, waterproofs, gloves (latex ones inside), woolly/fleece hat – a set of spare clothes, just in case…. If you have no sailing boots, don’t worry: A pair of trainers, two pairs of thin socks and a plastic bag between them will do just as well, and no-one need see the plastic bag. ‘Hot or neoprene socks’ are great for keeping feet drier and warmer, ask instructors about them, or look on the internet.
- Parents please bring a snack for your young sailors, they tend to get quite hungry.
- Parents please introduce yourself to the galley team, who are like yourselves parents of children attending, and get involved in sharing the not too onerous duties of drink and biscuit distribution.
- Do ensure your child takes all their clothing home with them.
- PLEASE mop the floors if they are wet or muddy, we would be extremely grateful for your help with this. We do have cleaners once a week but that is on Thursdays.